What is BISM?
Bloomington International Student Ministries (BISM) is a partnership of IU Christian student organizations and local churches which exists to help internationals of all backgrounds develop cross-cultural friendships and enjoy American culture, and which provides opportunities for students of all backgrounds to grow in understanding of the Christian faith. We desire to assist you in any way and hope your involvement with us will be a positive part of your experience in Bloomington.
Partnering Campus Ministries
International Friendship Ministries
Elan Rajamani elan@ifmusa.org
International Students, Inc.
Randy Hawes rahawes@indiana.edu
Partnering Churches
Sherwood Oaks Christian Church
Elan Rajamani elan@ifmusa.org
Southside Christian Church
Ray Stevens raytodd@kiva.net
Christ Community Church
Joel Niese joelniese@gmail.com
North Central Church of Christ
Don Cross dcross@indiana.edu
Exodus Church
Bill Downey billd12@comcast.net
All campus ministries are registered with the I.U. Campus Religious
Leaders Association (CaRLA) and adhere to Indiana University
and CaRLA standards of ethics.
Student Organization Members
Dorcas Miao miaod@iu.edu
Vice President
Daniel Fobi dfobi@iu.edu
Priyanka Mukherjee primukh@iu.edu
Ying-Chih Chuang chuangyi@indiana.edu